Amazon Review

Twists and Turns

The Charm Wars saga continues in this second book in the series. Written for young adults, it will appeal to any lover of fantasy novels. Set in medieval times, the plot follows ruthless and unprincipled "nobles" who use charms and magic to control the lesser "common man." The action is fast-paced and keeps the reader guessing what will happen next. Just when you think you have anticipated the next incident in the plot, the story takes a twist and turns in a completely different direction. Keeps you guessing until the final page, which ends in a real cliffhanger, leaving the reader wanting more!

Amazon Review

Action Packed Story That Keeps You Turning Pages

Revenge of the Estatis, but on whom and why? This fast paced and action filled third volume in the Charm Wars series answers those questions and also whether Alyse ever hooks up again with her friend and backwatcher Kate. A number of significant characters meet their demise during this story with amazing magic and spells. Dan Lutts writes an enjoyable tale that the reader is easily sucked into, only to be left at the cliff’s edge waiting to read what will come in the next volume. The author says that this series is intended for young adults, but I’m in my 70’s and have really enjoyed reading his work and impatiently waiting for the fourth volume to be released.

Karen V. Lyons Review

The Revenge of the Estatis is the best yet in the Charm Wars series. The character development continues to be strong, but the book action-packed (and violent in places), and it brings many of the tensions among the characters to a head in a variety of ways. As the title suggests, the Estatis are a main focus in this book, and they are in no way admirable. And Rill's refusal to see they've used him to perform cruel and immoral acts finally comes back to haunt him.

Alyse struggles with the inability to use her magic, to which she has objected but has found she needs to protect herself and others. Her belief in the One Goddess becomes even more central to her actions, and she is constantly concerned for others, particularly in her role as a healer.

The class struggle also takes focus, and the aristocracy become anti-heroes. The women of all classes are decidedly strong, but not all have the best interests of society in mind. And religious differences taking front and center complicate matters. Resolution of these forces, if that's what we can call it, is painful and difficult, especially for Rill.

Despite (or perhaps because of) its fast-moving pace, the book deals with important societal issues and asks the reader to consider and question her/his own values as those espoused in the text apply to today. And for this reader, that is the most important and valuable underlying take-away from the series so far.

Janet Levesque

Revenge of the Estatis in the third book in the Charm Wars fantasy series by Dan Lutts. Although ostensibly designed as a young adult novel, it is a powerfully captivating story that any fantasy lover would enjoy thoroughly. Both the lead characters (teenagers), as well as the other characters who populate the novel, have well defined personalities (including those who are ambitious, impetuous and calculating), to their counterparts who are caring, thoughtful and wise. The clash of these personalities, as well as the competing histories of their families, makes for a compelling plot line that keeps the reader fully engaged. The storyline abounds with fast-moving action and suspense, with the power of magic charms and spells a vital component of the plot design. The matriarchal and historical basis of the society is cleverly and effectively conveyed. The Charm War series creates a fascinating fantasy world with each novel in the series ending in a real cliffhanger.

Baxter’s Dad

Revenge of the Estatis, but on whom and why? This fast paced and action filled third volume in the Charm Wars series answers those questions and also whether Alyse ever hooks up again with her friend and backwatcher Kate. A number of significant characters meet their demise during this story with amazing magic and spells. Dan Lutts writes an enjoyable tale that the reader is easily sucked into, only to be left at the cliff’s edge waiting to read what will come in the next volume. The author says that this series is intended for young adults, but I’m in my 70’s and have really enjoyed reading his work and impatiently waiting for the fourth volume to be released.

A Great Read

This book is the third in a four volume young adult fantasy series of novels. The author crafted the books for teens, but this very old adult found it and the two previous volumes to be quite engaging. It is set in a world similar to our Middle Ages, a world filled with politics, magic, action, and adventure. This world stands out for it being, politically, a matriarchy. Women, as well as men, can be warriors and both political and religious leaders. I expect that the series will be found engaging by both young (and older) women and men.

I admire the skill with which the author, Dan Lutts, crafted both this book and this imaginative world. It is sophisticated in its plotting, the development of its characters, and its engaging story.

I am eagerly awaiting for the publication of the 4th an final volume in this series.